With our single resort system, you can efficiently manage all aspects of your resort from a user-friendly dashboard.
If you are a resort owner in the Philippines, you can now sell your resort bookings as a private resort or book by room using our AI-based website and platform. You can get all bookings even while you are sleeping, and our system will provide stress-free resort management with data-driven information.
Our platform has partners who create great Content to make your resort look world-class to guests. The partner team has a drone and high-resolution camera to create memorable images and video content to expose your resort to a new level.
Your domain Website. Example: www.myresort.com
100% CMS driven website
100% SEO friendly website
100% Secure and data privacy enable
99.9% Uptime guaranteed
PayPal, DragonPay Payment gateway integrated.
Blogging & Vlogging
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
All Social Media Integration
Email template managementt
Help or Faqs management
Add Property
Property Gallery
Property Services
Property surrounding attraction
Different types of property filtering
Property testimonial
Property rules
Google Map Integration
Room Management
Price plan by weekly
Calendar blocking feature
All bookings from different channels appear at one point on the dashboard
By default, all booking goes pending; confirmation to complete
Upcoming booking dashboard
Past booking dashboard
Book by admin enables walk-in booking
All completed bookings are distributed in the total amount to the resort owner, reseller, and platform.
Wallet functionality makes it easy to withdraw from a local bank.
Maximum 3 to 5 working days for payment fulfillment.
10% of fees go to the platform for payment and operation costs.
Each guest comes to the website and registers as a user.
Guest Dashboard
Upcoming booking, Completed booking, canceled booking
Review after completing the stay in the resort.
CRM enables communication with resort owners.
Referral features (coming soon)
Basic accounting expenses, purchase, payout
Different types of reporting tools
Different levels of users with organization
You can create unlimited users with specific permission to manage your business. See the sample website and visit the website URL www.sonaliresort.com
Now, you can receive bookings from your website and our marketplace network, which will scale your business to different levels.
We will use several marketplace websites from individual bloggers, influencers, travel agencies, etc., to make continuous bookings to improve your business.